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Building a CRM Introduction

Welcome to this Rapid Platform video series, "Building a CRM". The purpose of this video is to show you how easy it is to create a simple CRM using Rapid Platform. I will take you through some system design thinking and the steps needed to build a CRM or Customer Relationship Management system for your business.

Think of your CRM as a matchmaking app for your business, streamlining everything with ease. It's the hub for all your customer info – who they are, what they want, and how they engage. This knowledge helps you speak their language, strengthening relationships and boosting conversions.

We also want CRM analytics to help us spot red flags and win back customers, providing insights into trends and performance.

Throughout this series, we'll focus on the following key areas: Leads, Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities.

Once I have built this CRM, its functionality will consist of the following:

  1. New Leads can be captured via an online form or manual data entry
  2. Existing Leads then need to be viewed and managed
  3. Once a lead is captured an automated notification and task will be sent to the Sales Team.
  4. Converting Leads into Customers
  5. Lastly I will be able to record sales opportunities so I can monitor my Opportunity Pipeline to manage resourcing and budgeting.

Join me in the upcoming videos as we delve into the system design thinking and steps required to build this CRM. Hopefully this insight will spark your imagination on the infinite ways you can automate and take control of your business with Rapid Platform today.